One of the biggest environmental issues of the modern era is climate change, which has a worldwide scope. The biggest worries stem from the increasing frequency of severe weather occurrences linked to climate change. Events like extended dry seasons, protracted intervals of rainfall, and extremely long Harmattan periods are concerning, even for skeptics. People are beginning to inquire more often about what may be done to lessen the effects of the shift.
Climate change is defined by the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC, 2017) as statistically significant fluctuations in the climate that last for a long time, generally decades or more. It takes into account changes in irregular weather event frequency and intensity as well as the gradual, ongoing increase in global mean surface temperature.
Climate change is a change in the climate that is caused by human activity, either directly or indirectly. It has an impact on the earth's atmosphere and causes global warming. According to Abaje (2021), climate change has the potential to have an impact on all natural systems, posing a danger to social, political, and economic human growth and existence. Over the last ten years, a significant corpus of research on climate change and agriculture has been driven by interest in this subject (Adejuwon., 2020; Darwin, 2022; Adetayol., 2022; Agwu. 2022). Crop productivity, hydrologic balances, input supply, and other aspects of agricultural systems are anticipated to be impacted by climate change. The variations in several climatic factors, such as cloud cover, precipitation, temperature, and a rise in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from human activities, are to blame for the changes, however. Frequent droughts, increased rural-urban migration, biodiversity loss, depletion of wild and other natural resource bases, changes in vegetation types, increased health risks and the spread of infectious diseases, and altered livelihood systems are some of the negative effects of climate change in Nigeria (Abaje , 2021;Apata, 2022).
According to Ajayi, 34% of Nigeria's 923,768 km2 of land is used for crops, 23% for grassland, 16% for forests, 13% for rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, and the remaining 14% are used for other purposes (2009). Additionally, small-scale farm holdings account for roughly 94% of Nigeria's agricultural production (Ajayi, 2022). Over 70% of the population works in agriculture, which also accounts for 41% of GDP, 5% of total exports, and 88% of non-oil profits. Additionally, because the climate is so variable, nearly every aspect of agriculture—including the production of crops, raising livestock, pastoralism, and fisheries—is dependent on it. As a result, local farmers who carry out their regular annual farm business plans run the risk of failing completely due to the effects of climate change (Darwin, 2022). The effects of climate change will unavoidably have an adverse impact on human settlements, particularly in agricultural communities, tourism, leisure, and agricultural output (including crops, cattle, forests, and fisheries resources) (Darwinl. 2022) Nigeria is very susceptible to the effects of climate change, much like all the other nations in sub-Saharan Africa (IPCC, 2017). Despite the efforts undertaken to combat climate change from a scientific perspective, more study and policies focused on indigenous knowledge and perception are urgently required. When determining the genuine effects of climate change, it helps to have an understanding of local perspective. In order to provide adaptation strategies that satisfy these objectives, it is essential to gather as much information as possible, as well as to understand the perspectives and needs of rural farmers.
The growth of agriculture in Africa and throughout the globe is severely hampered by climate change. Agwu. (2022) noted that climate change, which is caused by both natural climate cycles and human activities, has negatively impacted agricultural productivity in Africa, making agriculture one of the sectors most vulnerable to climate change impact in Africa. According to Adejuwon. (2020), the impact of climate is more noticeable where agriculture is rain-fed and essential for daily existence, such as in Nigeria. According to Abaje (2021), catastrophic occurrences like droughts, floods, and forest fires increase in frequency as the earth warms. Rainfall patterns also change as a result. Because of the low and variable yields that ensue, farmers are more vulnerable, especially in Africa (UNFCCC, 2017). Millions of Nigerians are already enduring rising heat and altering seasonal patterns of rainfall. Thus, a big part of the availability of water is determined by climate, which has an effect on health and, ultimately, the amount of poverty among Nigerians. The production of food and fiber by agriculture has a significant negative impact on the environment, even though climate is the main factor influencing agricultural output. Federal authorities and others have voiced worry about the possible impacts of climate change on agricultural production given the essential role that agriculture plays in human wellbeing.